Drain Unblocking

We provide expert drain unblocking services for both domestic and commercial clients throughout Exeter and beyond. From clogged toilets, sinks, and bathroom outlets, to large commercial drains, we can be on hand to remove blockages of any scale. What’s more, we aim to respond to local clients in less than an hour and offer free, no-obligation advice. For further information or to schedule our drain unblocking services, please get in touch with us today.

Professional Drain Unblocking

More often than not, clearing a blocked drain will require professional assistance. In fact, you run the risk of damaging your pipes if you attempt to fix the problem on your own, which could result in a costly repair! So, if you’re in need of drain unblocking services, you can count on the team at Devon Drainage Engineers to clear your drains quickly and efficiently. With years of experience, we will ensure any blockage is removed entirely rather than just partially, since improper removal could cause it to return to its initial size over time. Our qualified engineers will also be able to check the blockage has not damaged any part of your drainage system and complete any necessary repairs. A few methods we typically use for drain unblocking include drain jetting, CCTV drain scans, and drain rodding.

Jetting a blocked drain

Drain Jetting Services

We provide drain jetting to remove any debris or build up within drains. This method utilises a high-pressure-fed water system that forces the blockage to dislodge and break up, allowing for the materials to be carried away and for liquid to flow properly once again. This powerful yet non-invasive approach ensures a deep clean that can remove even the most stubborn of obstructions. Because it uses just water, it does not add a foreign substance into your system. It is also suitable for a range of pipes, including PVC, cast iron and clay. 

How Often Should I Jet My Drains?

How often you should arrange professional drain jetting depends on a number of factors. For example, how the drains are used and the frequency. In general, yearly jetting is sensible to help you maintain your system and avoid the possibility of blockages all together. However, you can arrange more regular assistance if necessary. 

Internal Drains Unblocking

We provide high quality services to unblock any internal drains within your property, including:

If your drains are draining slowly, blocked or you notice a different issue, our experts are on-call to inspect your system.

Clearing Out A Blocked U Bend

Manual Drain Rodding

For those situations where jetting isn’t an option, our engineers resort to manual drain rodding to combat blocked drains. We carry a range of various sized rods, which are flexible enough to be weaved throughout your drainage system. The blockage inside the pipe will be broken up by the rod, restoring proper water flow. As this method is tried and true, you can rest assured that even the most stubborn blockages will be resolved. Rodding also causes little disruption to surroundings and is relatively quick to carry out.

Reduced Rates For The Over 65s

Call for further details.

Our Guarantee

We want our customers to be 100% satisfied with the service received. Should the problem reoccur within 6 weeks, we’ll return to the property, and put it right free of charge.*

*Unless the original work was carried out against our advice.

Call Now For Expert Drain Unblocking 

Don’t leave blocked drains to get worse! Get in touch with Devon Drainage Engineers today to enlist our unblocking services. Our experienced team can remove blockages of any size and respond rapidly if required.

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